
Summary: It is mostly done covertly by those who never gained personal growth after their childhood, so the cycle continues. Certain survival tools and environments make a person behave in a certain manner with an assumption many elements are acceptable, when they are not. Manipulation is linked to certain personality disorders.

Insight: Trying to make people codependent, forcing the acceptance of unacceptable behaviour, fraud, abuse, gaslighting, forcing a hierarchy, creating false news, flying monkeys, corrupt cultures, conditional relationship terms, abusing boundaries, fraudulently changing or affecting people’s perception or truth bias with victim cards, a distracting from the truth, blame-shifting, avoidance, bypassing, choosing not to be authentic, withholding, falsifying, lying, filtering out the truth, forcing a life they want and gaslighting… even turning a blind eye and allowing something to happen then pretending it didn’t happen is also a form of manipulation… the list can appear endless. What makes a manipulator manipulate in adult life? They were taught; you can learn how they were made via this link.

(One film is about turning the manipulation back on the narcissist to keep a boundary; don’t laugh; it does show the shallow needs from seeking unhealthy validation.)