Pathological Liars

Summary 1: A collaboration. How is pathological lying exposed? Simple, use the truth like the knock punch at the right time. But be mindful of why they are pathological and covertly abusive behind closed doors. Never forget their childhood; study it carefully with consideration. Everything they say and do is linked to how the pathological liar was made… it will all make sense. Be mindful of surprise setup visits without warning and with triangulation. It is linked to something to learn correctly; the lies will go back decades, not last week or year. Fear of exposure drives shame out of control. (A chapter and links on going No Contact are noted in part two below the videos)

If matters are urgent, go straight to the videos just below. The first set of links will also help gain some clarity.** (30 + 14 videos)

Test - Research the videos and links - All elements in the following truth or false statement are linked as ‘True’ or not. True or False: Why do pathological lairs target people to gain or regain conformity with other people’s perceptions with a deceptive action or statement? They hide a lie or a number of events that harm the lie or emotional abuse they are projecting to gain control of other people’s perceptions. A lie to hide a lie creates a facade with complexity, so control issues are seen and felt by others who have yet to recognise the lie. A pathological liar will lie about everything to conform to their ‘fit the narrative’ internal perception. Everyone is an object in the detached mind games that harm the pathological lair first before others are affected by the biased agenda opinion or others. The confessional is in the smear campaign or the stories; what is missing or what is projected via re-posting the shame is a simple pathway back to the pathological lairs ‘fear of exposure’. A reaction to something, not a response to nothing. Exposing a pathological lair or abuser can be done in a number of ways via using truth every time to exposure triggers, avoidance, gaslighting, abuse to cover up abuse or further lies when trying to damage relations that would back up the truth. A pathological lair always has no real spect for the people they will gaslight, use, and use for third-party influence or abuse with they assume the coverup will work like the lies of the past. A lie will hurt the pathological lair when the victim or victims stop accepting the lie, so the shame is handed back onto the pathological lair, which has two narratives to maintain and memories or deceiving those who stop enabling or compensating the facade, delusions and ‘fit the narrative’ gaslighting to share the questionable lies.

PsycCentral - 11 Manipulative Ways Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths Sabotage Their Victims (Part 1)

Choosing Therapy - Going No Contact With a Narcissist: Everything You Need to Know

Evolve - What Parents Can Do About Compulsive Lying (Always identify early, do not turn a blind eye)

Psychology Today - The Risk Factors for Continuing the Cycle of Abuse ** (The history is key for some who say one statement and do something else behind closed doors)

Psychology Today - Why Narcissists Can Forget Their Own Bad Behavior (A cycle of denial; they need to be validated by their victim or enablers to stop shame from surfacing. Accountability is too much to take on.)

Psychotherapy. - Uncovering and Intervening in the Narcissistic Abuse Cycle

Psychology Today - 5 Ways to Deal With Narcissists at Celebrations and Holidays

RA - What is coercive control? (Hidden deep insecurity creates the opposite to avoid triggers with ACE’s, and bad roll modelling returned)

PsychCentral - Surviving The Chronic Liar: 5 Things To Do (A quote from this study and suggestion)

2: “Call them out: Sometimes it’s perfectly fine to point out that something isn’t adding up. You could most certainly put it on yourself by saying “for some reason, I am confused. Can you explain that to me again?”In counseling sessions, the use of confrontationcan be powerful if used appropriately and with tact. Confrontation does not mean creating an argument but creating an acknowledgment that information isn’t adding up. For example, a confrontation might include you stating “…that’s not what I see happening because I spoke with the Principal and he showed me documentation that you skipped school at 2:00pm on Monday.” Confrontation is using facts to undercut the lie.”

5: “Don’t argue or fight with the pathological liar: It’s not worth your energy to argue with someone who lives in a fantasy or psychologically unstable world. Most liars lack an identity and struggle with feelings of insecurity and abandonment. Other pathological liars are simply sociopathic and overly confident. Either way, don’t argue or get into a confrontation with the liar because they will use circular arguing, demean you, and possibly create more lies to use in the future (possibly against you). You will never get to the truth, even with the use of intimidation. In some cases, you might get only half of the truth. It’s best to step back, work around the pathological liar, and keep a safe distance.”

Sandstone Care - Pathological Liar: 11+ Signs & Solutions of Habitual Lying (with a quiz)

Pathological Liar Causes

Why Are People Pathological Liars?

There can be various causes of pathological lying, which may include:

Underlying mental health disorders such as antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder

Low self-esteem or false sense of self


Stressful or traumatic life events

Pathological Liar Signs & Symptoms

What Are the Signs of a Pathological Liar?

When a person is a pathological liar, they may display signs such as:

Telling lies about small or minor events

Telling lies in great detail

Becoming anxious when talking

Getting defensive when questioned or confronted about a lie

Telling inconsistent stories

Persistent lying for no reason

Feeling a “rush” or “high” when lying

Telling someone else’s story as if it is their own

Why do pathological lairs fear exposure rather than doing the work to repair their facade with accountability and create real life? Shame can cut them down to size, as it is toxic to them, just as the truth is. The false self-construct can’t process what it can’t feel and understand correctly. Mind games and face values assumptions are used to confuse; it happens on the inside as well. Deception will fear exposure when the facade loses control of other people’s perceptions (a form of chargeable emotional abuse); in other words, coercive control to fit the narrative and toxic internal feedback loop to create false assumptions about those who do not go along with the lie they live. High-functioning disorders harm everyone near them, the drama and deflection for the lies they hold behind their eyes.

Summary 2: Imagine a person without empathy who is covertly manipulative. At first, it may be hard to understand the different types of minds that try to hide in plain sight, but there is a reason that doesn’t justify the behaviour. A person’s mental health that is forced covertly onto other people’s lives and making it a problem in various ways can be a chargeable offence with heavy fines and consequences when triangulation is documented. The abuser has a duty they are now exposing as their own problem to stop doing what they are doing and be accountable for their past. The shortcut they do is how they have avoided processing and change. Being aware of a coverup is key to seeing the real internal processing is now fully present. Conformity to avoid accountability, filtering, fit the narrative, and wanting ownership over other people's perception.

Medical News Today - What to know about pathological liars

Summary 3: When Mythomania gains third-party agents known as flying monkeys or triangulation (school or adult age, not mature adult life), which is designed to back up a toxic lair and their facade full of lies, the smear will show they want to avoid any kind of feedback or processing. The real victim is used twice by the emotionally deceptive abuser, who now uses others such as a ‘primed false witness’ (who may think just like the liar), so the pathological lair tries to control the narrative under pressure (fear of exposure) so the abuser remains deceptive with gaslighting, creating smear to re-position shame…. to leaked confession that sinks the facade later.

The same disconnection, abuse (D.AR.V.O.) and delusion of right and wrong at the expense of others to justify survival regardless keep deceptive choices and statements hidden.

JB - Who Do Narcissists Target? Unveiling 7 Common Traits Victims Display

KW - Who Do Narcissists Target?

Psychology Today - If You Are the Target of Narcissistic Abuse

Minc - Smear Campaign Survival Guide: Legal Actions to Fight Back and Restore Your Reputation

Do they know what they are doing? It's complicated at first, then very simple when knowing patterned behaviour, hidden agendas and childhood experiences (some become the abuser and avoid accountability with projection behind closed doors). Depending on the education and core values of the person experiencing the deception, they may see hidden disorders fuelling behaviour outside boundaries.

The Role of Flying Monkeys in Domestic Abuse (Third-party abuse to cover up the primary abuse, more of the same)

Flying monkeys in the context of domestic abuse play various roles, all of which serve to reinforce the abuser’s control and manipulation:

  1. Spread Disinformation: They may spread lies and rumours about the victim, often echoing the narcissist’s narrative to discredit and isolate the victim further.

  2. Harassment and Intimidation: Flying monkeys can also engage in direct harassment, sending messages or making calls on behalf of the abuser, serving to intimidate and control the victim.

  3. Spying and Reporting Back: In some cases, they act as the eyes and ears of the abuser, reporting back on the victim’s activities and state of mind.

  4. Enabling Denial: Their actions can provide the abuser with plausible deniability, as the abuser can claim they are not directly responsible for the actions of others.

This is classed as Domestic Abuse; other behaviours can be seen to link with the action of smear from a disorder. Find the number to call; stalker charges come into play.

Narcissist Abuse Support - Smear Campaigns (The act shows a disorder at play, covering up with third-party abuse to harm actions the disorder tries to hide. The confession is that there is a set of problems to expose, and the problems are harming more than one person, making everyone a witness to a coverup. Victims do something else; pathological lairs do one thing only, and blame shifts indirectly to hide the lie.)

Education is key to helping the core values remain strong even with emotional abuse from various agents (most won’t know that many are involved) and the extended extreme response to feedback, so the abuser fears exposure. Watch and document all actions and coverup statements to see if a history of re-positioned shame destroys what the abuser does understand.

SM - Top 10 Mind Games that Narcissists Play to Throw You Off Balance and Control You

"Being aware of these ten mind games it is so important. Knowledge is power, and knowledge can be a life-saver."

1: Gaslighting

2: Projection

3: Triangulation

4: Love-bombing

5: The Silent Treatment

6: Future Faking

7: Playing the Victim

8: Hoovering

9: Exploiting Empathy

10: Narcissistic Rage

Compensating behaviour on the external is happening on the internal, where the lies are manifested in the mind of the emotional abuser who sees no boundaries.”

A smear campaign is designed to isolate you (the same claims to own the victim’s perception with gaslighting and denial, goes into networks, children, parents, friends of friends, the abuser fears a history that has been used with bias)

Have others abandon you (The same actions that are the problem; others are now not seeing something on the surface)

Guilt you (Unable to live with shame, the victim is still being forced to conform with the facade and disorder rather than expose it)

Make you think you are crazy (Blameshift the same actions they are doing to others; they leave a paper trail of denial to keep the actions hidden)

Make you suffer (The suffering and fear of exposure is always someone else fault in the facade; the fake like has no triggers to protect the fragile, abusive ego)

Demonising you to your friends and family co-workers (The action should show the full capacity of someone who doesn’t want exposure; the same drives damage, break to hide shocking truths than will break the public image so the public image of the truthseeker is manipulated to hide the abuse. Boundaries continue to be abused, surprise visits, and stalking. Triangluation, a bigger plan of creating damage has a core agenda, control other people’s perceptions.)

Watch for the abuser to go into other people's circles to attempt to own other people's perceptions at any expense with strangely timed on-purpose visits… any tactic to not feel triggered and hide from the lies and deception their brain cannot cover up if the victim rejects the gaslighting and conformity of a facade that survives of others in some way the isn’t with consideration. Delusions can appear as calm and convincing, or professional victimhood, which is the lowest form of emotional abuse… just as re-positioning shame is a mind game trick on others and the pathological liar, so is swapping the abuser's position.

RMAL - Coercive Control

WA - What is coercive control?

Refuge - Are you experiencing domestic abuse?

There are no core values in the secondary evidence, just as there aren’t in the primary evidence. The toxic tactics serve the pathological lairs history; they assume it is something else with mind games, and grandiose appears to avoid accountability.

Boundaries are not understood by those who abuse or have deceptive control issues linked to hidden deep insecurity and detachment with a perception that others are objects or have an emotional purpose in the facade of deception. First, timing is key, along with gathering all secondary evidence linked to the primary evidence.

WebMD - What to Know About Pathological Liars

PsychCentral - 5 Manipulation Tactics Narcissistic Parents Use To Control Their Adult Children

NCDV - Domestic Abuse Charges (direct or indirect, via instruction, stepping back while instructing two groups to abuse, all actions should not be generated and have a purpose for the pathological lair, lying to stay ahead and deflect)

Those busy living a good life may not be educated to spot someone surviving with detachment who assumes their ego has unique skills to allow them not to do something else, not something fully understood. A specific disorder harms the abused target or a smear as well as the various types of victims of the pathological lairs tricks…but it also hurts the pathological lair… they always get found out, but not after a number of cases they want to remain hidden. Shame that creates blameshifting is clearly a mind game tactic as it is a reaction to something, so what else is there to know?

Furthering the emotional abuse at any expense to cover up a delusional view of abuse is classed as malignant. The abuser has already targeted someone; to them, it is part of the cause to hide in a facade, manipulating anyone who thinks the overt coverup or covert victim card is effective… without seeing the long-term and big picture exposing control issues.

Zero empathy for others can create issues in a number of situations; it is key to re-educate as 99% of the time, they cannot change; they know what they know in the way they know it. If observing a person's mind as, say, a circuit board, the instructions and software are saying and doing two different things and the link is severed from accountability and guilt, but not shame. When was the last time they had a software update if feedback is seen as something else? The denial of reality exists for a reason; it’s not linked to balance and consideration. As tough as that sounds, look at the set of actions and statements that have led to a fear of exposure, lying about everything, and looking for coverup rather than accountability; all actions show something is much deeper of an issue. Not everyone can process reality; they can do something else…. but it should not be at the expense of others.

Be mindful of timed surprise visits set up to hide the pathological lair with destabilisation and catch people off guard; going under the radar is fueled by fear or something. Not what a judge would consider a balanced approach to discussing evidence, for example. Targeting the victims is now done to others, another red flag. Just as a smear is used to hide and deflect heat from the pathological lair (a confessional leak of a re-position of shame), The pathological lair only shows how much detachment they have by choosing to damage further to serve their hidden lies at anything or anyone’s expense. Holding court with a pathological lair only exposes the truth further; find out how and why.

(Repeated at the end of the essay)

The truth cannot escape the pathological liar's life; that's why they need to behave with patterned behaviour and justify their history in a certain way. The lack of growth creates toxic familiarity, and others should be aware that the key element in all of their lies is how they developed a specific survival tool instead of something else. It’s how they trap others in a facade that their smear of deception knows a little too well… as if it is their agenda all along, and they can’t come up with two different narratives with accuracy…. so they use their own and put the shame somewhere else as they do before ‘fear of exposure’ is present. The cycle of abuse is linked to the shame cycle. They try to position accountability in a place that doesn’t keep reminding them that they are at the centre of all their lies, and when some figure it out, question and shame is too much, so they lie to hide the lie, hide a lie to hide a lie…. a little to well for others who are educated on the who what why when and how… go back to the beginning to find out about the tragic truth that turned them into a pathological lair. If someone only lives with surface values when the truth and education is out of the bag, run.

Insight on the darker side to consider: Certain abusive parents can create double the trouble for the affected child; not only are they suggesting a bad role model behind closed doors for projection later, usually like they had, so others gain abuse, they are teaching to effected child lie and have no insight on accountability as none the good education is shared and the abusive parent isn’t being accountable, the cycle repeats, but not with everyone, not everyone created the same patterned behaviour, though some are high risk.

Helping children not to lie is key to preventing issues further on in life; if a person has practised 1000 truths, one situation evolves; if they practice 100 lies, they may have offered a lie in a casual way to not look so obvious, and the child learned to belie their own lies.

Question: Why do pathological lairs prefer other lairs of their own life at certain times, but people have empathy for others at other times for supply?

Suggestion: When fear of exposure is triggered, It could be that reality is so far away that the echoing request has no response, so the lair or lairs only have the lie to keep them company within the ‘fit narrative. When not triggered, narcissistic supply and validation from those who ignore the lies keep the triggers from the internal history soothed. Using others is all part of a denial of truth.

Question: Which comes first, the pathological lying or the personality disorder?

Suggestion: Check the development stages and environment that could have triggered influence or detachment. Do your own research to understand why some slip away or are pushing away from the truth because they want to do something without accountability being a subject or even feedback. If the lair was only lying to themselves, matters would be different; when the lies harm others, the situation requires a full study as there is always more than one victim. Victims may have had a number of experiences with pathological deception and emotional abuse due to having a truth bias and not seeing beyond face-value deceptive statements. Education is key to seeing the full spectrum of human behaviour and certain personality disorders and their patterns better for validation and control over accountability and shame.

Video - Am I a Narcissist (see below)

If asked the right questions, a different person may reveal themselves as feedback is seen as something else. A number of videos below can explain the behaviour habits and cycle directed from a damaged feedback loop with a bias and missing empathy. Many victims come out of the situation thinking the abuse is unique, only to realise the toxic behaviour is more widespread for people near those who haven’t spotted what the unhealthy comparison is all about and what it leads to behind closed doors.

This essay has a slight bias; the design is mainly for the victims of pathological liars. Help the victim first, and then the victim can see beyond their first assumed perception on their own. Help the victim spot all the patterns of behaviour that bound the pathological liar to their own trap and perception of others. Pathological liars may see something, but usually, the ‘fit the narrative’ is usually the priority for matters that a pathological lair may not understand for a long time without careful professional guidance linked to deconstructing the suppression and deflection of guilt and shame, which is linked to a lack of empathy for others that can be linked to past events or genetics. If time is a person's most valuable asset, perception is the gift some lack; unfortunately, the reason can be found beyond any deceptive statement or action; the key element now is to pay attention to all details without a bias or influence attempting to adjust and deflect.

Always consider the value of caring and accountability; it is linked to a number of positive elements that make a human being balanced and grounded. Being deceived is not something to be concerned about at first; the priority is the second required education to help heal and regain matters that are clearly not to be owned by anyone else… your mental health and perception to not see the full picture or the life and choices of a liar’s mind.

The pathological lair’s emotionally abusive acts and statements can offer closure when matters are removed from the deceptive person's manipulative intention to control other people’s perceptions. The first act, “It is different when I do it.” The second act is to deflect accountability via a third party. It pays to pay attention to patterned behaviour trying to cover up an agenda and lies via harming truths to fit a narrative. See the video titled ‘Am I A Narcissist?’ the pattern of reaction, assumption, and deflection is now universal and noted traits to observe. The cycle of avoidance can be used to expose the lies in a simple process. A ‘fear of exposure’ is a reaction to something, not a reaction to nothing; all the lies are stored right behind the eyes, piling up and creating internal destabilisation and triggering a delusional view of who should have the shame. If Narcissistic injury or collapse is created, it can be seen as the weight of the facade and lies becoming too much for the pathological liar trying to keep up.

Targeting (see all links to why they do it) will have started as a hidden action to gain conformity and mask issues long before confronting a pathological lair, so expect D.A.R.V.O. (Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender) and targeting to be the internal pattern to extend into matters the pathological lair see no boundaries to consider, it is all evidence to give closure, no considerations in mind, no considerations when external accountably is a request, feedback or debate.

Shame is too much for one pathological liar's mind, so it is shared in ways to keep the truth from taking over the facade and public image. Further evidence of a harmful disorder trying to avoid accountability is the action should happen in the first place; they avoid accountability, the secondary action linked to secondary evidence is indirect coverup… the detachment can concerns expose itself. Stay safe from third-party abuse to cover up abuse; the pathological lair is not going to be exposed by simply agreeing their actions are wrong; it is a fantasy of attachment without processing, a different mind. Watch the film 'Stalking and Harassment.' Third-party stalking is part of attempting to own a person's perception who is yet to fully spot the high-functioning disorder with an unhealthy, covertly controlling agenda. A compensating behaviour is using others to spy. Try to imagine why someone would do such a thing. It is not linked to balance; constant lying is attached to the naive view they are at the centre of all actions.

They believe they are the victim. (D.A.R.V.O. The manipulative mind has no understanding of accountability, fearing exposure, the same gaslighting will continue.)

I have to get you before you get me. (The unhealthy comparison appears; the reality of losing the facade and mask, only one person to hide at the expense of others, shows a manipulative person only thinking of covering up their tracks at any expense with the false assumption of having control over everything. A lack of empathy for others appears.)

People who believe a smear campaign were never your true friends in the first place… If 1% U-turn, the other 99% could have hidden disorder linked to a questionable observation that they struggle with, so they can not see truth and deception correctly. (1% and 99% are an absolute. The emotional abuser sees targets and needs 99% to not be account accountable… the facade needs it and doesn’t see hiring agents as the exposure.) Flying monkeys and people who happily triangulate under the influence could fear their own questionable history. The reason for the divide - It’s not just what people say and do at certain times, or what they don’t say and do at certain times that is the complete giveaway. It’s what should be happening instead… the third defining key pathway is exposure to moral code or lack of, as many do not abuse to cover up abuse or a lie for any reason. If children or adult children are abused and a parent does nothing, are they doing something they shouldn’t? What should be happening is the evidence that gives away the lack of something… just as gatekeeping is a form of lying, donating can be a form of covertly keeping abuse hidden for reasons that link to the person’s belief or past.

Saying ‘no’ is key as is saying ‘yes’ at the right time, and important to not to mix them up. True?

Is that when lying starts? Unable to tell the difference between yes and no? Which then moves on to not knowing the difference between right and wrong?

If something cannot be felt, it cannot be understood, so then mixing up yes and no in a pattern of behaviour may not be obvious at once. It pays to pay attention; just as gossip is gossiping when people are not in the room, they are doing it when you are gone. Not knowing the difference between right and wrong can lead to many being abused to justify a cause or a lie that brings shame. Gossiping has been defined as a way for a person to internally reflect, making others look less through a filtered perception and bias. Whether other people's lives are important, or they are not is a form of ‘soft targeting’ that can turn to smear as the internal reflection has too many lies to discuss. Why have so many turned their back on gossip, which at first was assumed just as a lack of maturity.

Short film references:

When a victim chooses not to validate the harmful behaviour of the emotional abuser and pathological lair, the abuser is left with the memories and shame to process on their own with fear of exposure on the horizon. The shame is going to be put on the victim as they won't accept the abuse for who they really are away from the public image they try to project. The abusive coward never changes, so they try to create coercive control tactics to avoid an authentic apology or accountability. The compensating behaviour exposes the need to deny a truth they cannot face internally.”

The link to pathological lying in the primary evidence can be witnessed in the secondary evidence, a continuation of blameshifting and harming networks via third parties. The gaslighting is done before a truth can be processed, as the victim is playing catchup. Targeting the triggers to the facade will have conflicting action and double standards.” The blameshifting pathological liar does not want to be exposed for their behind-closed-doors operations driven through insecurity. The reenactment from a childhood experience where the child is now the adult’s age role modelling what they know, but with an expected enmeshment system where there are roles to service the needs of one who will project all they do on someone who won’t conform. The lies are part of keeping the facade active as reality is too big to handle, as is telling the truth about their actual behaviour. See the videos - 'Are Narcissists Lying or Delusional?' and 'The Malignant Narcissists Internal World.'

“They may slip up without realising subtly, but they will avoid the process of accountability, in writing or in public, if the public image is to be observed differently. Anyone will be discarded if the truth is known; it won't make a difference if the cycles of abuse peak with a narcissistic fragile ego feeling threatened by the information they attempt to filter out to keep shame from working its way into the memories that they suppress. Not facing the truth internally is what creates a smear. Odd can become fear of exposure as control is lost in the facade.”

The allergic reaction to one lie will be linked to a number. By a certain age, a balanced person is operating diverted; it pays to gain an education from universal assessment rather than the pathological lairs view of their facade and triggers, which create conformity. The same masking is attempted to be applied to anyone who makes a consideration that the lair has an authentic agenda rather than a set of survival tools created from not gaining validation in childhood and something or someone didn’t help them stay on a path with a good education. Anyone caught maintaining their own children can be seen not have harmful disorders from their own childhood, repeating what they learned.

"Offenders who do not physically harm you are still committing criminal offences and can be charged with coercive control, making a threat to kill, criminal damage, theft, fraud, harassment, and stalking. These are just some of the offences that abusers can be charged with."

NFF - How Narcissists Torture Others and Believe They’re Right to Do It

If the emotional abuser has had an affected development stage (childhood) linked to their own abuse or they were created in a no-accountability environment, the victim card will be the flip side once exposed. As many will confirm in the interviews and research, it is not a fully developed adult you are dealing with; such accountability is healthy in a way; an unbalanced child would push everything somewhere else. Looks are deceiving, and so is the professional victim card.

VeryWellMind - How to Cope With a Pathological Liar

Passive aggressive under-the-radar manipulative emotional abuse when lying has an equal charge to overt aggression. The delayed notification of a lying abuser is still an abuser who only figured out ways to project and manipulate quietly. However, as the reaction to exposure will clearly show, they will have a string of deceptions to mask and expose by any truth seeker, triggering the pathological lair actions.

Important - In some cases - Childhood education and bad role models may be suggested to others in a certain way and ongoing. The manipulator's reasons for the lying and emotionally abusive actions which were put on them can become the reason for their abuse rather than taking responsibility for the harm caused. Projection and influence can continue through the generations without accountability and processing, which creates certain survival tools and a lack of something. The toxic absorption projected onto others rather than being processed is a clear indicator that generics may be the reason why certain actions and abuse always appear in certain families that lack something; a genetic path can be followed.

MBK - Domestic Violence Study Finds Partner Abuse Is Generational

CBS News - Health Study: Abuse And Genetics = Aggression

The deception to cover up the internal mess isn’t working in the way the native person assumes; their operation is normalised, which is what was normalised or considered acceptable. Self-deception is just another lie that appears when only some people are looking.

Forbes - A Psychologist Explains How You Can Deflect A ‘DARVO’ Manipulator

FW - 7 Traits A Narcissist Looks For In A Target

Psychology Today - 3 Ways to Tell When a Narcissist Is Lying

NI - 10 Pathological Liar Signs and How to Cope with a Habitual Liar

Third-party abuse to cover up hidden abuse is a chargeable offence. It is only an extension of controlling and deceptive behaviour that raises concerns before removing from a position of influence; study D.A.R.V.O. (Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender) to protect your boundaries or a victim’s boundaries and always gain advice from professionals about gaslighting, deception and undiagnosed fetched personality disorder behaviours without consideration such as Cluster B, Dark Triad, Dark Tetrad and ASPD.

The facade is ongoing, 24/7, so paying attention is key to the agenda, compensating behaviours and drama… plus what is causing all the distraction from the core issue. If paying attention and the right questions are asked, they are giving themselves away, deflecting, and blameshifting to put guilt and shame elsewhere while doing what they claim others are doing - a simple mind game; everything can be tracked. The hidden agenda has a time incentive; having patience will allow the pathological lair to expose themselves when ‘fear of exposure’ triggers destabilisation and owning someone else’s perception fails.

Choosing Therapy - Control Issues: Signs, Causes, & Ways to Overcome

Remove the enabling supply straight away; it takes two (or more people) to create a lie, just one other to be deceived and believe. Without validation or confirmation, then the lie is nothing other than a fantasy issue that requires deeper changes to the core issues that drives a pathological person to lie, coverup, triangulate, abuse via thirty parties, deceive and deflect. Many may not know the harm through enablers who never think twice.

Any third-party influence to harm a victim further (doubling down in a cycle) clearly shows detached control issues capable of irreversible damage, which is more of the same behaviour to mask and hide a shameful act. The attempt to ‘control someone else’s perception’ when gaslighting failed behind closed doors is coercive control; emotional abuse is now out in the open. The act of harming via a third party is a major red flag; call the authorities and study smear campaigns as the ‘smear is the pathological lairs confession’. Face value study should be removed and replaced with empathy considerations, documenting and linking all data across the person's life, not just in a handful of moments.

Stewart Family Law - Narcissistic Abuse: Legal Guidance In Separation & Divorce

GW - Narcissistic Abuse and False Accusations

“Truth bias is the manipulated element in the victim's mind that allows a pathological liar to hide. Also, people’s politeness is important, as they may not double or triple-check when taking the conversation at face value.” Not everyone will want to see the pathological lair for a number of reasons; the mind game has been played for longer than many realise.”

“Catching a cat burglar in the act requires time and energy and, most importantly, a different education.” The first education was designed for a balanced person to observe others quickly with the automation that values are shared. Not everyone makes the same considerations as others, hiding, subtly testing (mind games), tricking with timing, and watching how others react.

References 1:

Healthline - How Do I Cope with Someone Being a Pathological Liar?

SC - Pathological Liar: 11+ Signs & Solutions of Habitual Lying

FHE Health - Pathological Lying Can Occur with These Mental Disorders

WebMD - What to Know About Pathological Liars

TD - Understanding Pathological Liars: Why All the Lies?

Cetc - Fight, flight, freeze, and fibbing:

Brain & Life: Learn About Confabulation, Also Known as Honest Lying

MQ - The Target of Narcissistic Rage?

Domestic Shelter - Explaining DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender

Medium - This is Why the Narcissist Targeted You

Choosing Therapy - Narcissistic Rage: Signs, Triggers, & How to Respond

Sentient - How to Handle the DARVO Method

PsychCentral - 11 Manipulative Ways Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths Sabotage Their Victims (Part 2): Survivors Speak Out

TUC - Tackling third-party abuse and harassment

References 2:

NIH - Biological Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration

Nova - Abuse Casts a Long Shadow by Changing Children’s Genes

Nature - Genetics of child aggression, a systematic review

New Scientist - Criminality linked to early abuse and genes

NIH - Human Aggression Across the Lifespan: Genetic Propensities and Environmental Moderators

Science - Violent Effects of Abuse Tied to Gene

TJL - The genetics of violent behaviour

References 3:

PsychCentral - Spotting and Dealing with a Smear Campaign by a Narcissist

GetCourtReady - The Narcissist’s Smear Campaign and Flying Monkeys:

"The Smear Campaign: A Core Tool for Narcissists"

Psychology Today - How to Deal with Smear Campaigns After Relationships End

Note - Consider moving on to the short films created by professionals who have studied the behaviour patterns. The following extended text below (not live, just yet) is connected to more complex situations linked to longer durations with pathological liars with contributions; edits are presented over time as the subject of pathological lying, gaslighting, and smear campaigns are all part of emotional abuse and hidden issues from the development stages, bad roll modelling, and abuse or no accountability so the perception, feedback loop, lack of empathy for others and reality filtering are present.

“Compensating behaviour on the external is happening on the internal first, where the lies are manifested in the mind of the emotional abuser who sees no boundaries, only a need for validation at the expense of others, which is a red flag.”

“Truth has five letters, ‘lair’ has four, you already have one over them… and they may hate, want to damage, demand control of perception and narrative at any cost create a fragile position on the timeline due to control issues. Keeping the facade fixed creates other compacting behaviour beyond a smear that gives the order away. Pathological lying is a harmful toxic ingredient that creates a life that is,, in fact, a lie; the game is created when others are pressured or manipulated to go along with something if a pathic lair creates coercive control issues and takes someone down. the disorder needs targets to keep the core issue away from their actions. Learn to spot a person in a trauma bond or facade; the coverup usually gives it way once checked for facts, not fiction.

When the pathological lair stops feeling control over its facade, the mirrored action will appear to discriminate against the truth; although third-party abuse to cover up abuse is a harmful, shameful charge offence, it only shows the primary evidence the pathological lair chooses to avoid is still present in the secondary evidence. No one needs a pathological lair to cover up their tracks or cover their disorder. Personality disorders are the reportability of the person, not everyone else, via tricks. and mind games. So gather all evidence as the holes found in the primary evidence coverup will be found in the secondary. The fact that the secondary appears is enough to show that where there is smoke, there is fire. the reaction to something, avoidance of questions and accountability, and using a third party. The issue is at the core, always at the core, and in the past.

References 4:

NSPCC - The impact of coercive control on children and young people

CPS - Controlling or Coercive Behaviour in an Intimate or Family Relationship

"Repeated or continued behaviour that is controlling or coercive"

“A pattern of CCB can be well established before a single incident is reported. In many cases, the conduct might seem innocent – especially if considered in isolation of other incidents – and the victim may not be aware of, or be ready to acknowledge abusive behaviour.”

(Document everything, including if the core emotional abuser does nothing directly; others will be charged as well; see the stalker video; men and women with disorders all behave similarly.)

ROW - Coercive control and the law


Choosing Therapy - Going No Contact With a Narcissist: Everything You Need to Know

Stalking you: The narcissist might show up at your home, work, or any place you frequent. Their motives could be to embarrass you, lure you back, or intimidate you.

Contacting your family or friends: The narcissist might ask your family members or friends to relay messages to reach you or win you back.

Seeking revenge: Cutting off a narcissist may result in smear campaigns to damage your reputation. They may seek revenge by spreading rumours. However, challenging these rumours violates the no-contact rule, causing a setback in your recovery.

Gaslighting: Narcissists intentionally distort the truth to make you doubt your recollection of events. Narcissistic gaslighting can cause you to question your own perceptions and decisions.

Love bombing: The narcissist might try to lure you back into the relationship by “love bombing” you with compliments, expressions of affection, or gift-giving. They hope to appeal to your prior romantic or idealised view.

VeryWellMind - Why the "No Contact" Rule Is So Important After a Breakup

TNY - Why So Many People Are Going “No Contact” with Their Parents

The Self-Defence is called Going No Contact (with manipulative emotional abusers with control issues that use third-party abuse instead of accountability, for example.)

This has not been talked about until now; the order of reference has a purpose. Going NO CONTACT is to protect the victim's mental health from what is now in the open, harming other people's perception with the same deceptive, charming or victimhood blameshifting cognitive bias. Attempting to hide and double down to normalise something usually very dark.The actions to not let go are seen as a fear of exposure, not concern.

Going no contact can rapidly trigger control issues inside the manipulative pathological lair who may sit back to deceive two groups to argue between themselves, going from person to person to fuel a coverup. Yet another deceptive move that shows people are objects with a purpose to the patherlogical lair who needs to hide at any expense. There is no respect in the eyes of a pathological lair, keeping the facade active to hide, for example, fraud, deceptive natures to have control issues normalised, abuse, emotional abuse, gaslighting, and the list can go on. By the time many have realised they were used, another drama covers up the first drama with justification as the targeting always needs a target for the disorder that wants attention to be validated or respected but no accountability as if the rules don’t apply. A facade is actually for one person; no one needs to take part; life has many other options without someone who cannot be accountable for their lies. Life ends up being one big lie that needs to be exposed for the sake of others, not for the lair that keeps lying. The game carries on; the mind that makes mind games only has games and players.

The subject of mental health and going no contact go hand in hand; a break from the toxic that keeps trying and does not see boundaries allows all victims of the different forms of abuse to see what they were conditioned to accept someone else’s biased reality that is always playing some sort of move to cover up insecurity, disorder and lies. If they can’t control themselves when going too far, controlling others is the unfortunate route to stop seeing the internal mess and shame if caught. The control issues link back to their childhood… Knowing the disorder is more deeply ingrained than first assumed, they are masking to make sure many do not see the actions… when it slips, it is seen as someone else fault. “Other people make me arrogant” or “Why does everyone make me out to be the bad guy?” statements others with balance will wonder why the words and sentences exist…. tests, watching for reactions as the lies are heavy behind the eyes. A loss of awareness and perception, so something else happens that people can access, not the people who can be used. Balanced people can be seen as targets for conformity, so balance requires education and boundaries.

The Reveal For Closure:

Going No Contact heals and exposes at the same time; the victim heals, and the pathological liar smears. Is the confession in the smear? How? The actions that the pathological lair claims as someone else’s… the script, the strategy, the carefully laid out plan are known a little too well known well by the pathological lair for a reason. How would they know something so well… if the cunning victim was that cumming, how would the pathological lair know? The obvious evidence to question stares everyone in the face. The smear is the pathological lair’s plan… stored right behind their eyes and in their memory, pushing shame all over there to ‘fit the narrative perception’ and damaged feedback loop that makes them expose themselves. What is the greatest fear of a covert narcissist, for example? A damaged public image. So, they do what creates internal fear with the same questionable detachment. Tracking the statement and actions for the first time will match up, whereas, in the past, it never did if paying close attention. Just remove the victim from the conversation to spot the lie, and the victim is somewhere else for a reason, to get out.

If something were authentic, it wouldn’t happen in the first place… it is not just what someone says and does at certain times or what they don’t say and do at certain times that gives the real issues away… It’s the third element that exposes every manipulative, emotionally abusive, pathological lair’s lies away… it is what should be happening instead. The choice to cover up was just another terrible mistake; the whole is only dug deeper. The lies echo as they trap the pathological lair in their own mess.”

Victims of abuse should never face third-party abuse to cover up abuse; the hidden undiagnosed disorder disagrees; that is why it tries to normalise when others have walked away from a long time ago. Look at birthdays, holidays and special days as a time to protect as the pathological lair has triggers and a need for the attention they simply do not have any validation to claim; they give themselves away every time.” Contrasting approaches from flying monkeys and a pathological lair are only an indicator that something is deeply wrong when control is lost… control is the agenda, and looking like a loss is on them is hard to live with when they only have themselves blame, and no one else to blameshift.”

Call 999 or 911 - Advice on gaslighting is widely known. Pathological emotionally abusive lairs don’t like being held accountable, fear of exposure and baiting, a trick to make the victim look bad, a toxic action to do one thing and one thing only, not act like an accountable human being… its not what someone says and does in certain situations, or what they don’t say and do in certain situations, its is also what should be happening instead which the emotional abusive pathological lair cannot understand, they want a fit the narrative, control the narrative and own other people’s perception to hide and keep people from not being educated beyond the facade.

The unhealthy comparisons to others when they are not present to question the agenda, the control issues made to look like something else to gain control of shameful behaviour, the gossip or smear, it is, in fact, ongoing in the mind of the pathological lair, most learn about it too late when something is directed at them when the right questions are asked, and the wrong answers have been validated. Harmful toxic behaviour is dressed up with deflection, as it happens on the internal pathological lair. Once knowing the right questions to ask an emotionally abusive and deceptive pathological lair, the timing usually links to the same time when it is noted to make an existing plan. Fear of exposure is a reaction to something and not a response to nothing. The closure and the confession aren’t just the pathological lairs smear campaign, odd comments and odd behaviour that others wouldn’t say and do (testing others due to lack of empathy). It’s present all the time. Even when they are not hiding, behaving with overt or covert emotionally abusive actions 100% of the time (the abuse cycle has approx four stages), triggers, internal systems and masks with deflection play a part when tested to be accountable.

The truth cannot escape the pathological liar's life; that's why they need to behave with patterned behaviour and justify their history in a certain way. The lack of growth creates toxic familiarity, and others should be aware that the key element in all of their lies is how they developed a specific survival tool instead of something else. It’s how they trap others in a facade that their smear of deception knows a little too well… as if it is their agenda all along, and they can’t come up with two different narratives with accuracy…. so they use their own and put the shame somewhere else as they do before ‘fear of exposure’ is present. The cycle of abuse is linked to the shame cycle. They try to place accountability in place that doesn’t keep reminding them that they are at the centre of all their lies, and when some figure out the deception link, shame is too much, so they lie to hide the lie.

References 4:

PsychCentral - When Does Lying Become Compulsive or Pathological?

Hiwell - What is Mythomania (Lying Disorder)? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Mythomania

Mythomania and Personality Disorders

Mythomania can occur alongside disorders such as anxiety disorders, depression, and impulse control disorders. Research shows that many psychopathological conditions are accompanied by mitomania.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Psychosis and Schizophrenia

What Happens If Lying Disorder Is Not Treated?

Lying behaviour can start with a simple, everyday lie and continue under the influence of environmental and individual factors, turning into a lying disorder. People who are noticed to lie continuously may be ostracized and isolated from society.

Science Direct - Pseudologia fantastica: Forensic and clinical treatment implications

Wikiversity - Mythomania: A Mental Disorder or a Symptom?

UK Therapy - Compulsive lying: how to spot a pathological liar and cope with one