Love & Authenticity

Summary: Genuine and authentic people who choose to grow through life know how to be vulnerable to truth and the facts in their life… and others… with a certain kind of consideration that links to seeing and feeling beyond face values. Synchronicity without a bias or an agenda.

One of the important elements linked to longevity is purpose… and a sense of purpose that can build higher levels of curiosity and empathy development in the self, which then spills over into goals and celebrated achievements.

GEE - 8 types of people who never deserve a second chance, according to psychology

If done right, a person can go beyond the assumption that any default setting ‘is all that is needed’. The actioned growth inside the person is also the foundation of good relationships and inspiring marriages.

The authentic energy and drive can be noted by others… the unspoken attraction, the mechanics behind and beyond the personality… its the movement inside the core.

If a person can be vulnerable with truth, within their objectives, they can grow tall and wide with authenticity. It’s all part of the adult perception, which gives strength while we age.

Emotionally mature people replace defence mechanisms with even stronger coping mechanisms that allow huge goals to be achieved across the spectrum. It’s another level of living known by those who chose to live that way… an open door… many say that to walk through it, a leap of faith is required… one must be curious to do so with the ability to be vulnerable.

True or False: A lack of empathy can be noted through statements, comments, actions and body language.

When there is more than one emotionally mature person, things get very interesting… at the very least, create the need to be emotionally mature with deeper considerations for cause and effect. Being curious to understand how an evolving education changes a flexible perception over time.

People can go beyond a daily survival system and realise being vulnerable is way more powerful and a stronghold for sharing quality time with those who fit with a shared future.

If time is our most valuable asset, it’s worth considering how we share it with others and our role in the relationship and what they bring to the table. Inspiring people walk a certain pathway that has a journey written all over them. How they do it is equally important as is what they do.

True or False: Biological age does not reflect emotional maturity for a number of reasons.

True or False: Age and experiences can mature everyone.

True or False: Face value can be highly deceptive or inspiring if self-awareness is present.

True or False: Growth begins at the core or it will always negatively influence external experiences and filter life incorrectly… positive inspiration will be discarded and dismissed with the ability to process accountability.

True or False: Social preditors can be male or female and hide behind labels and positions. True bias needs to be removed to see beyond the presentation.

True or False: Deception and fantasy are linked to the go-to tool of lying with ease and a personal need to survive regardless of the effect on others. No consciousness can be detected through statements and devaluing others from behind a mask presentation.

References: (all inks will follow shortly)

12 Signs Someone Really Loves Having You In Their Life, According To Psychology

Consider this research for the opposite to a connecting person: Toxic comments are hidden in conversation. Only value themselves, do not respect boundaries. Indifferent to the suffering of others, can act like nothing is important to others, unaffected if they gain something.

Charm to effect other peoples self-esteem in both directions. They can see themselves as the victim to mask or blame shift, or blame-shift on to the victim. Other people's ideas or feedback is not relevant. Devlaue others due to being grandiose but do not like feedback or criticism. No responsibility for their actions, grudges for decades if they fear exposure.

Effected childhood without growth. Families won't understand the person fully as they create systems to not be questioned in detail. Will Lovebomb after irreversible damage. No processing of the self and core choices. Fantasy stories used to distract to cover up a past of self-serving choices. Very poor choices as care-giver, manager or partner, allowing others to be put at risk with any kind of understanding of others feel.