01/01/2024 This is for the Scapegoat Previous Lessons for anyone who was scapegoated by a narcissist (Narcissistic Family Roles) Next Signs Your Family is Using You as the SCAPEGOAT You Might Also Like Preparing to go NO CONTACT with the narcissist The narcissist and the golden child (Narcissistic Family Roles) How to spot a Psychopath. The Psychology of Psychopaths | Psychopathy Explained Scapegoat & Golden Child | How and why narcissists assign these roles (and not just in the family!) Golden Child and Scapegoat Black Sheep: Narcissistic Parent's Projected Splitting
01/01/2024 This is for the Scapegoat Previous Lessons for anyone who was scapegoated by a narcissist (Narcissistic Family Roles) Next Signs Your Family is Using You as the SCAPEGOAT You Might Also Like Preparing to go NO CONTACT with the narcissist The narcissist and the golden child (Narcissistic Family Roles) How to spot a Psychopath. The Psychology of Psychopaths | Psychopathy Explained Scapegoat & Golden Child | How and why narcissists assign these roles (and not just in the family!) Golden Child and Scapegoat Black Sheep: Narcissistic Parent's Projected Splitting