Welcome + Everything
James Leighton-Burns
Writer | Creation + Production | Psychology Counsellor | Behaviour Researcher
Fiction | Sci-Fi | Cyber Punk | Essay
Finalising numerous projects, something with a contribution. Plus, research essays.
Creation + Ideas + Moving + Music + Still
Creative production services linked to concepts, moving images, music, and stills.
Professional Listening + Open Source Approach to Shared Education + Insight
Psychology Counsellor
A personal service for people in a 1 2 1 and brand awareness. Covering development, awareness (self + others) and processing perception through education.
Fictional Character Creation + Human Character Study
Behaviour Researcher
Join the dots, protagonist + antagonist, pattered behaviour, compensating behaviour, empathy, empath, self-awareness, development stages, bias, fit the narrative, lack of self-awareness, containment, coercive control, empathy deficit, cluster b, dark triad, dark tetrad, dark empath, enabler, agent, factor one, factor two, psychopathy, a.s.p.d. d.a.r.v.o
Going Deeper into Character
To know something from the inside outward, understand what you are dealing with. To know how to develop a character is to know the steps they take.
The Big Picture
The antagonist does not want the protagonist to know what needs to be known by many.
For professional services, send a message. We will contact you shortly. For further insight and related information: JamesLeightonBurns-Archive
Scratching Deeper + Story Character Development for Fiction and Observation + Metacognition + Empathy + Awareness + Agenda + Insightful Education
Curiosity + Integrity
Research - Identifying empathy, feeling/sensing it or not. Nothing is what it seems at first with some: It appears the internal system has a feedback loop without external considerations. It's interesting why that remains covered up. Noted balanced elements are emotional intelligence, self-awareness and affective empathy if labels are suggested. Age is a number and not a reflection of everything. Intelligence is linked to what is studied and can conflict with an assumed awareness, so reflection is nonexistent; only the wants are identified and not what is needed. Paying attention is key with regard to truth bias. The harder someone tries to cover up, the more something leaks over time. For further project insight visit: LeightonBurns.com
Question: Is biased stupidity dangerous? Metacognition: Cambridge MIT Science Direct
Ongoing Study
Completed -
James Leighton-Burns MACCPH
Psychology - Oxford Uni - Awarded - Dr Anna Scarnà. (UK)
Advanced Psychology Counselling ACCPH - Awarded
ACEs, Complex Trauma, and Toxic Stress: Implications for Affect, Behavior, Cognition, and Physical Health - Jerrod Brown, PhD. (Adverse Childhood Experiences = ACE)
The Overlap between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Psychopathy - Awarded - With Carrie Barron MD.
Triarchic Model of Psychopathy - What is Psychopathy? - Awarded - Christopher J. Patrick PhD
The Development of Conduct Disorder and Aggression - Psychopathy - Awarded - Abigail Marsh PhD
Correctional Mental Health - Awarded - Virginia Barber Rioja, PhD, and Ashley Batastini, PhDOngoing - Soon to be active
CBT for ADHD, turn intentions into actions - J.Russell Ramsay Ph.D, ABPP
Delivering Parenting Skills with Artificial Intelligence - Eduardo Bunge PhD.
Numerous certificates related to a type of research
Private investigation L3 + SIA membership
Psychology of Criminal Profiling